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Exterior House Painting


Quality exterior painting is crucial for all home owners. It is the skin protecting your home from the harsh elements such as the Texas sun. Going with the lowest bidder on a job is most assuredly a recipe for failure and can cost you much more money in the long run. These contractors often use substandard materials and do not properly prep surfaces for painting leading to damage from Texas weather.


All of our painters have at least 10+ years experience painting homes. Attention to detail is a must when prepping surfaces for painting. We start by identifying problem areas such as peeling, fading, cracking, nail holes and properly scrape, sand and spot prime the area to get a uniform painting surface. 


 We often see previous contractors using cheap caulking for filling in cracks during prep. As temperatures change from night to day your home expands and contracts and cheap caulking will not flex with such changes leading to disbonding from surfaces and inviting moisture in the crevices of your home. We use 100% acrylic latex caulking to ensure heat exposure does not break down joints and to protect your home from wood rot.


We highly recommend 2 coats of Kwal® Liquid Vinyl paint for exterior surfaces. It's a tried and true product that will protect your home for 5-7 years on average. 


Fences & Decks

Extend the life of your fence or deck by staining or painting. We will thoroughly power wash to provide a strong bond on the surface of the wood. We then identify areas that have oxidized and sand out any imperfections. After sanding, we will wash the surface once more in preparation for staining or painting.


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